Project Hybrid
Security in a changing world: hybrid threats, societal resilience and disruptive thinking
Registration (Atrium)
Official Opening (Aula Magna)Speakers:
Alfredo Marques (Rector of UPT)
Alberto Machado (President of the Paranhos Parish Council)
José Caramelo Gomes (Head of IJP)
André Pereira Matos (Organizer and Coordinator of the BA in International Relations)
NATO@70: Partnerships and NATO's current agenda (Aula Magna)
Keynote speaker:
General Carlos Branco
Alexandros Ppaioannou (NATO)
Moderation: Bruno Reynaud de Sousa
“NATO’s Mission for the 21st Century: Countering Hybrid Threats with Hybrid Containment (Room 105)
Andriy Karakuts
New Generation Warfare Center Programme
Mark Voyger
Jannis Berzins
NATO Barbecue - community outreach and networking event (UPT courtyard and lawn)